Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Biblical Headcovering: Scarf of hidden power - by Renee R. Ellison

The Biblical Headcovering: Scarf of hidden power - by  Renee R. Ellison


Holy Hedge Laws!

This was a quick read, but oh my my my.

(full disclosure, I do cover my head for worship.  If this had been the first book I read, I would have bagged the whole thing, due to extra-biblical influences.)

So...not only do you have have to cover your head, it must be full-time.  Not only must it be full-time, it must not be a hat, it must be a veil-style.  Not only must it be a veil-style cover, it must not be sheer or lace.

Not only must it be a veil-style, full time, opaque but you must also give up slacks, jewelry and makeup.

Plus, the dress/skirt must be plain.

False dichotomy alert:  If you give up trying to look nice for your husband, he'll find something even nicer - your inner self.  Um...the Bible says nothing about not looking as nice as you can, it only says to not find your value in it.

Other statements that...well...

What the Bible doesn't say about head-coverings:

They protect your from demonic interference and harassment.
They place us under God's *special* protection.
They may help break some addictions.
It seems that God has provided extra protection for a woman through the covering (mugging/robbing)

Not wearing a head-covering full time will attract in a "more intense way, sexually"

If the author had stuck to what the Bible says, it would have been about one-third the length, but less "hedge-law-ish"

I'm writing on the topic, and one of the main questions women ask when starting or considering is about those hedge laws (not their term, but it's what they mean.)  

The London Baptist Confession of Faith (Chapter 21, paragraph 2) says:

God alone is m Lord of the conscience, and hath left it free from the doctrines and
commandments of men which are in any thing contrary to his Word, or not contained
in it. So that to believe such doctrines, or obey such commands out of conscience, is to
betray true liberty of conscience; and the requiring of an implicit faith, an absolute and
blind obedience, is to destroy liberty of conscience and reason also.

Let us not destroy the liberty of conscience of another by making commands that we do not find in Scripture.

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