Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Review: The Gold of Black Rock Hill: Decodable Chapter Books for Kids with Dyslexia

The Gold of Black Rock Hill: Decodable Chapter Books for Kids with Dyslexia The Gold of Black Rock Hill: Decodable Chapter Books for Kids with Dyslexia by Cigdem Knebel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm a professional tutor and work with students with dyslexia.  At the end of each tutoring session, my students read aloud and Cigdem Knebel's books are the backbone of our reading time.

"The Gold of Black Rock Hill" is a favorite - it's long enough so it's interesting and short enough so it doesn't feel like it goes on forever.  The chapters are short so it's easy to find a good stopping place.

The main character (a cat) is easy to sympathize with and the plot is simple enough for my "youngers" to follow.

If you want a good, decodable book for anywhere up to around 4th grade, this is a good one.

View all my reviews

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